3 Beach Essential Items You Must Pack

The ultimate must-have beach essentials for your holiday packing list

Now that summer has come to an end in some countries, the exotic tropical vacation season has begun.

We don’t know about you, but we’re always dreaming of sandy beaches, beautiful waves, cocktails, and sunsets to remember for a lifetime.
Yes, you already know we are beach fans:) so you should know that there are some items that are always in our beach bag whenever we go to the beach.

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And we’d like to share them with you. Of course, there are more than three. You must be familiar with the question, “What three items would you bring with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?”

Inspired by that and considering what are the most important items that should always be on your beach items packing list, here are the ones we believe are the most important.


Tesalate is by far our favorite beach towel, and we’ve tried quite a few. A good beach towel can even make the difference between having a great day at the beach and not being able to fully relax and feel comfortable.

Because, let’s face it, having sand all over your stuff, sitting on a wet towel because it takes too long to dry even if it’s hot outside, or being exhausted from carrying a heavy beach bag can all have a negative impact on your beach experience.

The most important reasons why we love the Tesalate towel are:

→ It dries rapidly;
→ Sand won’t stick to the towel;
→ It is lightweight and compact when rolled;
→ We adore the luxurious and colorful design;
→ It comes with its own packing bag, which makes it easier to pack.

The funny thing is that we lost our first Tesalate, or more accurately, it was stolen, along with almost all of our belongings, on one of our trips. Do you know how a bad situation can turn into a good one?

For us, that meant getting a new one because nothing else compares. We love the new one just as much; the pattern is fantastic.

If you are curious to see our first Tesalate towel you can find it here along with other must-have travel items.


Oh yes, this is one of the most crucial items. And yes, we love how our skin glows when it is tanned but we also love healthy skin and low risk of skin problems 🙂

We will not recommend a specific cream; you are free to use whatever you want.

We will share with you the factors we consider when choosing a sunscreen, and they may be useful to you as well:

→ to provide broad spectrum coverage (UVA and UVB);
→ to have at least SPF 30 factor, we usually go for SPF 50 (Higher SPF numbers mean more protection, but the higher they are, the smaller the difference becomes. SPF 15 sunscreens filter out approximately 93% of UVB rays, while SPF 30 sunscreens filter out approximately 97%, SPF 50 sunscreens approximately 98%, and SPF 100 approximately 99%);
→ to provide longer protection (the longest we found protects up to 10 hours);
 to be water resistant;
 to contain safe ingredients, ideally no perfume.


The third item was difficult to choose, but if we must stick to the three must-have beach items, water is unquestionably essential.

It goes without saying that you should stay hydrated, my friends!

It looks like we are unable to limit ourselves to only three items because it is difficult to be at the beach without sunglasses, so number four is unquestionably sunglasses :))

OK. We’ll come to an end here.

May your beach experiences be unforgettable. Remember to bring water, sunscreen cream, and a microfiber towel the next time you go to the beach!
And, by all means, get a Tesalate towel. You will not be sorry!

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